Cristin-person-ID: 24014

Pål Falnes

  • Stilling:
    ved Seksjon for biokjemi og molekylærbiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Unravelling novel methyltransferases involved in protein and nucleic acid methylation .

Falnes, Pål. 2023, CRESCO conference . UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Inflammation-induced mitochondrial and metabolic disturbances in sensory neurons control the switch from acute to chronic pain.

Willemen, Hanneke L.D.M.; Santos Ribeiro, Patrícia Silva; Broeks, Melissa; Meijer, Nils; Versteeg, Sabine; Tiggeler, Annefien; de Boer, Teun P.; Malecki, Jedrzej Mieczyslaw; Falnes, Pål; Jans, Judith mfl.. 2023, Cell Reports Medicine. UMC, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

Characterization of the biochemical activity and tumor-promoting role of the dual protein methyltransferase METL-13/METTL13 in Caenorhabditis elegans.

Engelfriet, Melanie Lianne; Malecki, Jedrzej Mieczyslaw; Forsberg, Frida; Falnes, Pål; Ciosk, Rafal. 2023, PLOS ONE. UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Human seven-β-strand (METTL) methyltransferases - conquering the universe of protein lysine methylation.

Falnes, Pål; Malecki, Jedrzej Mieczyslaw; Herrera Gonzalez-Molina, Maria del Carmen; Bengtsen, Mads; Davydova, Erna. 2023, Journal of Biological Chemistry. UIOVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review

Discovering novel lysine-specific protein methyltransferases.

Falnes, Pål. 2022, Symposium on "Methylation signalling: Beyond Histones and Chromatin". UIOVitenskapelig foredrag
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