Cristin-person-ID: 48300

Anders Engeland

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for global helse og samfunnsmedisin ved Universitetet i Bergen
  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for kroniske sykdommer ved Folkehelseinstituttet

Resultater Resultater

Mortality among patients with long-term prescription opioid use in Norway.

Rolová, Gabriela; Engeland, Anders; Odsbu, Ingvild; Hjellvik, Vidar; Skurtveit, Svetlana Ondrasova. 2024, 27th Conference of European Association of Substance Abuse Research (EASAR). FHI, OSLOMET, UKVP, UIO, UIBVitenskapelig foredrag

Incidence trends of adult glioma in Norway and its association with occupation and education: A registry-based cohort study.

Sharifian, Mohammad Jalil; Igland, Jannicke; Klungsøyr, Kari; Engeland, Anders; Zhou, Ange; Bjørge, Tone. 2024, Cancer Epidemiology. USA, FHI, UIB, HVLVitenskapelig artikkel

Associations between pregnancy-related factors and birth characteristics with risk of rare uterine cancer subtypes: a Nordic population-based case–control study.

Abril, Jazmine; Trabert, Britton; Troisi, Rebecca; Grotmol, Tom; Ekbom, Anders; Engeland, Anders; Gissler, Mika; Glimelius, Ingrid; Madanat-Harjuoja, Laura; Gulbech Ording, Anne mfl.. 2023, Cancer Causes and Control. Uu, AU, NCI, HY-HU, FHI, THL, UoU, CANCER, KI, UIB, KREFTREGVitenskapelig artikkel

Body mass index, triglyceride-glucose index, and prostate cancer death: a mediation analysis in eight European cohorts.

Fritz, Josef; Jochems, Sylvia H. J.; Bjørge, Tone; Wood, Angela M.; Häggström, Christel; Ulmer, Hanno; Nagel, Gabriele; Zitt, Emanuel; Engeland, Anders; Harlid, Sophia mfl.. 2023, British Journal of Cancer. Uu, UU, MEDINNSBRU, ØSTERRIKE, FHI, UOC, Lu, UMU, UIB, KREFTREGVitenskapelig artikkel

ADHD medication discontinuation and persistence across the lifespan: a retrospective observational study using population-based databases.

Brikell, Margareta Isabell; Yao, Honghui; Li, Lin; Astrup, Aske; Gao, Le; Gillies, Malcolm B; Xie, Tian; Zhang-James, Yanli; Dalsgaard, Søren; Engeland, Anders mfl.. 2023, The Lancet Psychiatry. HÊ, FHI, HAUKELAND, KU, UCLH, UIB, ORU, AU, UPSTATE, TUoHK, UNSW, UMCG, KI, UCL, DANMARKVitenskapelig artikkel
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