Cristin-person-ID: 53291

Andrew Michael Jones

  • Stilling:
    Professor ii
    ved Institutt for økonomi ved Universitetet i Bergen

Resultater Resultater

Localisation of nitrate-reducing and highly abundant microbial communities in the oral cavity.

L'Heureux, Joanna E.; van der Giezen, Mark; Winyard, Paul G.; Jones, Andrew Michael; Vanhatalo, Anni. 2023, PLOS ONE. SUS, UoE, UISVitenskapelig artikkel

Evolution of 1500-m Olympic Running Performance.

Foster, Carl; Hanley, Brian; Barroso, Renato; Boullosa, Daniel; Casado, Arturo; Haugen, Tommy; Hettinga, Florentina J.; Jones, Andrew Michael; Renfree, Andrew; Skiba, Philip mfl.. 2023, International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance (IJSPP). UoNaN, USA, VUA, HK, UEdC, UoE, UoWC, UoH, URJC, BECKETT, TYSKLAND, UOW, UdLVitenskapelig artikkel

The income-health relationship `Beyond the Mean': New evidence from biomarkers.

Carrieri, Vincenzo; Jones, Andrew Michael. 2017, Health Economics. MONASH, UoY, UIB, UdSdSVitenskapelig artikkel

How Do Biomarkers and Genetics Contribute to Understanding Society?

Benzeval, Michaela; Kumari, Meena; Jones, Andrew Michael. 2016, Health Economics. MONASH, UoE, UoY, UIB, UCLLeder

Healthcare cost regressions: going beyond the mean to estimate the full distribution.

Jones, Andrew Michael; Lomas, James; Rice, Nigel. 2015, Health Economics. UoYVitenskapelig artikkel
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