Cristin-person-ID: 58776

Stein Bondevik

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for miljø- og naturvitskap ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet

Resultater Resultater

Contamination of 8.2 ka cold climate records by the Storegga tsunami in the Nordic Seas.

Bondevik, Stein; Risebrobakken, Bjørg; Gibbons, Steven John; Rasmussen, Tine Lander; Løvholt, Finn. 2024, Nature Communications. UIT, NGI, NORCE, HVLVitenskapelig artikkel

Improving past and future relative sea-level constraints for the Norwegian coast.

Lakeman, Thomas; Nixon, Francis Chantel; Romundset, Anders; Simpson, Matthew J.R.; Svendsen, John Inge; Vasskog, Kristian; Bondevik, Stein; Milne, Glenn A; Tarasov, Lev. 2022, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts. NTNU, NGU, HVL, UIBSammendrag/abstract

Holocene debris flows and snow avalanches in Anestølsdalen, western Norway – recorded from lake deposits and colluvial fans.

Aa, Asbjørn Rune; Bondevik, Stein; Sønstegaard, Eivind. 2021, Norwegian Journal of Geology. HVLVitenskapelig artikkel

Tsunami from the Storegga Landslide.

Bondevik, Stein. 2019, Springer. HVLVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Groundwater fluctuations during a debris flow event in western Norway - Triggered by rain and snowmelt.

Bondevik, Stein; Sorteberg, Asgeir. 2021, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS). HVL, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel
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