Cristin-person-ID: 316269

Maja Amedjkouh Puchades

  • Stilling:
    ved Seksjon for anatomi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

The Locare workflow: representing neuroscience data locations as geometric objects in 3D brain atlases.

Blixhavn, Camilla Hagen; Reiten, Ingrid; Kleven, Heidi; Øvsthus, Martin; Yates, Sharon Christine; Schlegel, Ulrike; Puchades, Maja ; Schmid, Oliver; Bjaalie, Jan G.; Bjerke, Ingvild Elise mfl.. 2024, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. BELGIA, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

DeepSlice: rapid fully automatic registration of mouse brain imaging to a volumetric atlas.

Carey, Harry; Pegios, Michael; Lewis, Martin; Saleeba, Christine; Turner, A.; Everett, Nicholas; Bjerke, Ingvild Elise; Puchades, Maja ; Bjaalie, Jan G.; McMullan, Simon. 2023, Nature Communications. MACQ, USA, UIO, SYDNEYVitenskapelig artikkel

A guide to the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network data ecosystem.

Hawrylycz, Michael; Martone, Maryann E.; Ascoli, Giorgio A.; Bjaalie, Jan G.; Dong, Hong-Wei; Ghosh, Satrajit S.; Gillis, Jesse; Hertzano, Ronna; Haynor, David R.; Hof, Patrick R. mfl.. 2023, PLoS Biology. WCM, EBI, JCVI, LICR, PENN, UNIVCAL, LBL, UoW, USA, TUD, TJHU, UoMB, BROAD, CMU, CSHL, GENENTECH, GMU, UoTHSC, KINA, PSU, MICROSOFT, MIoT(, UCSD, UIO, UOT, LUMC, HHMI, MSSoMotCUo, DCVitenskapelig artikkel

Rodent atlasing tools and the QUINT workflow.

Puchades, Maja Amedjkouh; Yates, Sharon Christine; Bjerke, Ingvild Elise; Carey, Harry. 2023, Satellite Event at the Human Brain Project Summit 2023. UIOFaglig foredrag

High-throughput method for brain-wide characterisation of genetically diverse AD mice.

Yates, Sharon Christine; Gurdon, Brianna; Csucs, Gergely; Groeneboom, Nicolaas Ervik; Puchades, Maja Amedjkouh; Kaczorowski, Catherine; Bjaalie, Jan G.. 2023, Human Brain Project Summit 2023. UIOPoster
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