Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 443090
Sist endret: 24. juni 2014, 13:44

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 443090
Sist endret: 24. juni 2014, 13:44

Alkoholloven, kontroll og bevillinger


Bergljot Baklien
ved Folkehelseinstituttet

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Folkehelseinstituttet


Start: 1. januar 2009 Slutt: 31. desember 2011

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Alkoholloven, kontroll og bevillinger


Prosjektnr. 209. Delprosjekt C. Prosjektet vil belyse hvordan kommunene utnytter det handlingsrommet alkoholloven gir både når det gjelder salgs- og skjenkekontrollen og sanksjoner på avdekkede overtredelser. Det vil også se på barrierer og rammebetingelser for samarbeidet mellom viktige aktører som bl.a. kommunale saksbehandlere, skjenkekontrollen, politiet og næringen.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

Prosjektnr. 209. Delprosjekt C. Prosjektet vil belyse hvordan kommunene utnytter det handlingsrommet alkoholloven gir både når det gjelder salgs- og skjenkekontrollen og sanksjoner på avdekkede overtredelser. Det vil også se på barrierer og rammebetingelser for samarbeidet mellom viktige aktører som bl.a. kommunale saksbehandlere, skjenkekontrollen, politiet og næringen.


The Alcohol Act, compliance monitoring and licensing


The Alcohol Act requires municipal authorities to monitor the sale and serving of alcoholic beverages, including over-serving and serving of minors. How do these provisions function in a preventative sense in practice? Evaluations of Responsible Management programmes in Trondheim and Bergen revealed that the inspection agency failed to discern or react to what is actually going on in the licensed premises. The annual survey mounted by SIRUS of the municipalities’ enforcement of the Alcohol Act found wide inter-municipal variation. This project seeks to establish how municipalities use powers given them under the Alcohol Act both in respect of monitoring compliance and in issuing penalties for identified instances of non-compliance. It will also look at barriers to and factors enabling collaboration among important actors such as municipal officials, inspectors, police and industry. The project follows in the wake of the Directorate of Health’s programme to strengthen municipal inspection practices. Data are obtained through a) Participant observation, incl. informal interviews, at national meets of the most important municipal actors, this is, politicians, municipal officials and inspectors. b) Participant observation at arenas where actors meet with the intention to strengthen collaboration between themselves. c) Participant observation of compliance inspectors in action to elicit their perspective. d) Document analysis of available records.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

The Alcohol Act requires municipal authorities to monitor the sale and serving of alcoholic beverages, including over-serving and serving of minors. How do these provisions function in a preventative sense in practice? Evaluations of Responsible Management programmes in Trondheim and Bergen revealed that the inspection agency failed to discern or react to what is actually going on in the licensed premises. The annual survey mounted by SIRUS of the municipalities’ enforcement of the Alcohol Act found wide inter-municipal variation. This project seeks to establish how municipalities use powers given them under the Alcohol Act both in respect of monitoring compliance and in issuing penalties for identified instances of non-compliance. It will also look at barriers to and factors enabling collaboration among important actors such as municipal officials, inspectors, police and industry. The project follows in the wake of the Directorate of Health’s programme to strengthen municipal inspection practices. Data are obtained through a) Participant observation, incl. informal interviews, at national meets of the most important municipal actors, this is, politicians, municipal officials and inspectors. b) Participant observation at arenas where actors meet with the intention to strengthen collaboration between themselves. c) Participant observation of compliance inspectors in action to elicit their perspective. d) Document analysis of available records.


Inaktiv cristin-person

Bergljot Baklien

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Folkehelseinstituttet
Aktiv cristin-person

Øystein Rudningen Skjælaaen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Avdeling for rusmidler og tobakk ved Folkehelseinstituttet
1 - 2 av 2

Resultater Resultater

Loven, fylla og kommunene.

Baklien , Bergljot; Skjælaaen, Øystein. 2012, Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. FHIVitenskapelig artikkel
1 - 1 av 1