Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 454102
Sist endret: 2. mai 2018, 10:11

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 454102
Sist endret: 2. mai 2018, 10:11

I am Curious - Brown


Saskia Holmkvist
ved Avdeling Kunstakademiet ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • Avdeling Kunstakademiet ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo


Start: 1. januar 2015 Slutt: 1. oktober 2016

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


I am Curious - Brown

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

"I am Curious - Brown" is an experimantal documentary project with film documentary and performative practice. This project has a clear starting point in conceptual documentary traditions and it references the approach of cinema vérité in Vilgot Sjömans "I am curious (Yellow)" and "I am curious (Blue)" (1967-68), which began to study the notion of public opinion as mediated construction.

The political topics in the film "I am Curious" stay at the hight of importance still today. It is although evident that one topic is missing: Migration politics and rasism, not being on the political agenda in the Nordic countries at the time. 

The aim is to investigate how a film can be a subjective political act such as the original film "I am Curious" was a portrait of the cultural and political tensions of contemporary Sweden of 1967.

We will prepare a public screening of the film at KHIO, where the project can be seen and disussed along with a dvd set up for the library at KHIO.



Saskia Holmkvist

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Avdeling Kunstakademiet ved Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo

Corina Oprea

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Loughborough University
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Resultater Resultater


Holmkvist, Saskia; Nyman, Ellen; Oprea, Corina. 2017, KHIOFilm

Curious in Brown / Jag är nyfiken brun.

Holmkvist, Saskia. 2015, Curious in Brown. KHIOAnnen presentasjon
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