Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 493025
Sist endret: 23. november 2015, 13:49

Cristin-prosjekt-ID: 493025
Sist endret: 23. november 2015, 13:49

Organizing for Societal Security and Crisis Management: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy


Per Lægreid
ved Institutt for politikk og forvaltning ved Universitetet i Bergen

prosjekteier / koordinerende forskningsansvarlig enhet

  • NORCE Helse og samfunn ved NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS



Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori


Organisasjonsteori • Forvaltningspolitikk • Samfunnssikkerhet og krisehåndtering • Forvaltningsreform



  • Anvendt forskning
  • Oppdragsprosjekt



Start: 1. september 2014 Slutt: 31. august 2018

Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Organizing for Societal Security and Crisis Management: Building Governance Capacity and Legitimacy

Populærvitenskapelig sammendrag

What makes a well performing governmental system for societal security and crisis management? What is the relation between government capacity, performance, and public perceptions? Similar to a well performing administrative structure, both organizational capacity and legitimacy is needed. GOVCAP studies government arrangements for crisis management, and examines public perceptions and attitudes toward societal security, safety and resilience. Trust in central institutions as well as the trade-off between security and individual rights is central.There are significant differences between different types of crises such as natural disasters and terrorism. What is considered adequate capacity and performance may vary with different contexts.

GOVCAP presents case studies of specific types of crisis in five European countries, taking the broader institutional setting of national administrative systems into account. GOVCAP consists of two interrelated research modules. Module 1 examines how governance capacity affects crisis management performance. It maps existing and emerging organizational arrangements within the public sector to handle crises and societal security in five countries, related to intentional human action such as terrorism, as well as natural disasters. Module 2 considers governance legitimacy, representativity and norms. It identifies factors that may account for variation in citizens? beliefs in government capacity for societal security and crisis management; analyses how risk assessments a nd crisis experience may affect legitimacy; and examines citizen's trust in government arrangements for crisis management and performance in the same countries.

The research is based on collaboration within a strong international academic research network within public administration, public policy and crisis management, and includes collaboration with and data from five European countries: Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Vitenskapelig sammendrag

The primary aim is to strengthen knowledge concerning governance dilemmas to support societal security, safety and resilience. The project will strengthen evidence-based policy-making by focusing on performance in crises and implications of different orga nizational arrangement and trust relations. A core focus concerns how overall performance is affected by organization capacity and legitimacy, and how the two factors interact. The project brings forth new theoretical, methodological and empirical insigh t on national arrangements and trust relations, developed through active participation in international conferences and workshops, and by publishing in internationally renowned academic journals. Secondary objectives are to provide useful knowledge for policy and decision makers, to communicate with user groups such as political and administrative executives and civil servants, private actors and civil society organizations, and to stimulate recruitment of new scholars within the field.



Per Lægreid

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for politikk og forvaltning ved Universitetet i Bergen
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NORCE Helse og samfunn ved NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
Aktiv cristin-person

Tom Christensen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for Statsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo

Jacob Aars

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NORCE Helse og samfunn ved NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Institutt for politikk og forvaltning ved Universitetet i Bergen
Aktiv cristin-person

Dag Arne Christensen

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NORCE Helse og samfunn ved NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
Aktiv cristin-person

Lise Hellebø Rykkja

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved NORCE Helse og samfunn ved NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
1 - 5 av 5

Resultater Resultater

Er vi beredt?

Rykkja, Lise H.; Lægreid, Per; Renå, Helge. 2015, Bergens Tidende. NORCE, UIBKronikk

Organizing for 'wicked problems'. Analyzing coordination arrangements in two policy areas: Internal security and the welfare administrtion.

Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.. 2015, International Journal of Public Sector Management. UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Coordination for Crisis Management in Norway after the Terrorist Attack in 2011.

Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.. 2014, Palgrave Macmillan. UIBFaglig kapittel


Christensen, Tom; Danielsen, Ole Andreas; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.. 2016, Public Administration. NORCE, UIO, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

The challenges of coordination in national security management – the case of the terrorist attack in Norway.

Christensen, Tom; Lægreid, Per; Rykkja, Lise H.. 2015, International Review of Administrative Sciences. NORCE, UIO, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel
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