Cristin-resultat-ID: 1274214
Sist endret: 31. mai 2017, 08:52
Vitenskapelig artikkel

Atlantic salmon skin and fillet color changes effected by perimortem handling stress, rigor mortis and ice storage

  • Ulf Gøran Erikson og
  • Ekrem Misimi


Journal of Food Science
ISSN 0022-1147
e-ISSN 1750-3841
NVI-nivå 1

Om resultatet

Vitenskapelig artikkel
Publiseringsår: 2008
Volum: 73
Hefte: 2



Beskrivelse Beskrivelse


Atlantic salmon skin and fillet color changes effected by perimortem handling stress, rigor mortis and ice storage


Abstract: The changes in skin and filled color of anesthetized and exhausted Atlantic salmon were determined immediately after killing, during rigor mortis, and after ice storage for 7 d. Skin color (CIE L*, a*, b*, and related values) was determined by a Minolta Chroma Meter. Roche SalmoFan (TM) Lineal and Roche Color Card values were determined by a computer vision method and a sensory panel. Before color assessment, the stress levels of the 2 fish groups were characterized in terms of white muscle parameters (pH, rigor mortis, and core temperature). The results showed that perimortem handling stress initially significantly affected several color parameters of skin and fillets. Significant transient fillet color changes also occurred in the prerigor phase and during the development of rigor mortis. Our results suggested that fillet color was affected by postmortem glycolysis (pH drop, particularly in anesthetized fillets), then by onset and development of rigor mortis. The color change patterns during storage were different for the 2 groups of fish. The computer vision method was considered suitable for automated (online) quality control and grading of salmonid fillets according to color.


Ulf Gøran Erikson

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Havbruk ved SINTEF Ocean

Ekrem Misimi

  • Tilknyttet:
    ved Fiskeri og ny biomarin industri ved SINTEF Ocean
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