Cristin-person-ID: 1021908

Chloé Franca Margot Marcilly

  • Stilling:
    ved Senter for planetær beboelighet ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Impact of global climate cooling on Ordovician marine biodiversity.

Ontiveros, Daniel Eliahou; Beaugrand, Gregory; Lefebvre, Bertrand; Marcilly, Chloe M.; Servais, Thomas; Pohl, Alexandre. 2023, Nature Communications. LILLE1, UdB, CNRS, ULCO, UIO, UDL, UCBLVitenskapelig artikkel

Understanding the early Paleozoic carbon cycle balance and climate change from modelling.

Marcilly, Chloe M.. 2022, Goldschmidt conference 2022. UIOPoster

Global Phanerozoic sea levels from paleogeographic flooding maps.

Marcilly, Chloe M.; Torsvik, Trond Helge; Conrad, Clinton Phillips. 2022, Gondwana Research. UIO, UOTWJVitenskapelig artikkel

Understanding the early Paleozoic carbon cycle balance and climate change from modelling.

Marcilly, Chloe M.; Maffre, Pierre; Le Hir, Guillaume; Pohl, Alexandre; Fluteau, Frédéric; Godderis, Yves; Donnadieu, Yannick; Heimdal, Thea Hatlen; Torsvik, Trond Helge. 2022, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. UNIVCAL, UoCB, UdB, CNRS, IdPdGdP, AMU, UIO, UOTWJVitenskapelig artikkel
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