Cristin-person-ID: 1050745

Mathew Galloway

  • Stilling:
    ved Kosmologi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Cosmoglobe DR1 results II. Constraints on isotropic cosmic birefringence from reprocessed WMAP and Planck LFI data.

Eskilt, Johannes Røsok; Watts, Duncan; Aurvik, Ragnhild; Basyrov, Artem; Bersanelli, Marco; Brilenkov, Maksym; Colombo, L. P. L.; Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Franceschet, C. mfl.. 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). UdSdM, IIoTK, UoCB, UW, UdSP, UPARIS, PU, UBC, UIO, ICOSTAMUOL, UOT, BHUVitenskapelig artikkel

COSMOGLOBE DR1 results: I. Improved Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe maps through Bayesian end-to-end analysis.

Watts, Duncan; Basyrov, Artem; Eskilt, Johannes Røsok; Galloway, Mathew; Gjerløw, Eirik; Hergt, L.T.; Herman, Daniel Christopher; Ihle, Håvard Tveit; Paradiso, S.; Rahman, F. mfl.. 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). UoCB, UdSdM, UW, UdSP, UPARIS, PU, UBC, UIO, UOT, ICOSTAMUOL, IIAP, BHUVitenskapelig artikkel

COSMOGLOBE: Towards end-to-end CMB cosmological parameter estimation without likelihood approximations.

Eskilt, Johannes Røsok; Lee, Katherine; Watts, Duncan; Anshul, V.; Aurvik, Ragnhild; Basyrov, Artem; Bersanelli, M.; Colombo, L.P.L.; Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord; Fornazier, K.S.F. mfl.. 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). UdSdM, UW, UdSP, UBC, UIO, UOT, ICOSTAMUOL, IIAP, BHUVitenskapelig artikkel

Tensor-to-scalar ratio forecasts for extended LiteBIRD frequency configurations.

Fuskeland, Unni; Aumont, J.; Aurvik, Ragnhild; Baccigalupi, C.; Banday, A.J.; Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord; Errard, J.; Génova-Santos, R.T.; Hasebe, T.; Hubmayr, J. mfl.. 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). UTOKYO, LM, JAXA, UP-SACLAY, UdLL, Ens, INFN, UoM, UoO, OD, LBL, UBC, JAPAN, KD, UNIFE, SLAC, UdSdRTV, FORTH, SU, UPARIS, NASA, UdSdT, INAF, UOC, CARDIFF, IAC, TLSE3, NAOJ, UdSdP, SOKENDAI, UdSdRLS, KEK, TD, UoCB, UdSdM, UdC, SISdSAdT, NIST, IAP, UIO, IAS, UOT, UdL, ITALIA, UCLVitenskapelig artikkel

From BeyondPlanck to Cosmoglobe: Open Science, Reproducibility, and Data Longevity.

Gerakakis, S.; Brilenkov, Maksym; Ieronymaki, M.; San, Metin; Watts, Duncan; Andersen, Kristian Joten; Aurvik, Ragnhild; Banerji, Ranajoy; Basyrov, Artem; Bersanelli, M. mfl.. 2023, The Open Journal of Astrophysics. UdSdM, HELLAS, PU, HY-HU, JPL, LBL, INAF, UdSdT, UIO, INFN, MPAVitenskapelig artikkel
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