Cristin-person-ID: 1134047

Masoud Asadi

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Streamwise evolution of the interface between freestream turbulence and a turbulent boundary layer.

Asadi, Masoud; Bullee, Pim Adriaan; Hearst, Robert Jason. 2023, 18th European Turbulence Conference. NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Structure of turbulent channel flow subjected to simultaneous inlet turbulence and localized injection.

Asadi, Masoud; Kamruzzaman, Md; Hearst, Robert Jason. 2022, Physical Review Fluids. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

The effect of inlet turbulence on the quiescent core of turbulent channel flow.

Asadi, Masoud; Kamruzzaman, Md; Hearst, Robert Jason. 2022, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel
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