Cristin-person-ID: 11472

Øystein Rolandsen

  • Stilling:
    ved PRIO - Institutt for fredsforskning

Resultater Resultater

Disposable rebels: US military assistance to insurgents in the Syrian war.

Rolandsen, Øystein; Selvik, Kjetil. 2023, Mediterranean Politics. NUPI, PRIOVitenskapelig artikkel

China in Myanmar: Complex Engagements, Complicated Relations.

Nilsen, Marte; Carrozza, Ilaria; Rolandsen, Øystein H.; Thiha, Amara. 2021, MIPS, PRIORapport

An Appraisal of Philippines-China Security Relations under the Duterte Administration (2016–2020).

Amador III, Julio; Baladjay, Deryk Matthew N.; Carrozza, Ilaria; Nilsen, Marte; Rolandsen, Øystein H.. 2021, PRIORapport

Security Force Assistance to Fragile States: A Framework of Analysis.

Rolandsen, Øystein H.; Dwyer, Maggie; Reno, William. 2021, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. TUOE, NU, PRIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Fragmented We Fall: Security Sector Cohesion and the Impact of Foreign Security Force Assistance in Mali.

Marsh, Nicholas; Rolandsen, Øystein H.. 2021, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding. PRIOVitenskapelig artikkel
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