Cristin-person-ID: 1157521

Sarah Kriebel Thon

  • Stilling:
    ved Seksjon for fysiologi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Social and spatial codes in hippocampus CA2 and entorhinal cortex.

Thon, Sarah Kriebel; Christensen, Ane Charlotte; Fjeldstad, Maria P; Schøyen, Vemund Sigmundson; Olsen, Elise Reppe; Lepperød, Mikkel Elle; Fyhn, Marianne; Hafting, Torkel. 2022, FENS Paris 2022. UIOPoster

Does the posteromedial cortex play a primary role for the capacity for consciousness in rats?

Arena, Alessandro; Juel, Bjørn Erik; Comolatti, Renzo; Thon, Sarah Kriebel; Storm, Johan. 2021, bioRxiv. UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

General Anesthesia Disrupts Complex Cortical Dynamics in Response to Intracranial Electrical Stimulation in Rats.

Arena, Alessandro; Comolatti, Renzo; Thon, Sarah Kriebel; Casali, Adenauer G.; Storm, Johan Frederik. 2021, eNeuro. UdSP, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Capacity for consciousness under ketamine anaesthesia is selectively associated with activity in posteromedial cortex in rats.

Arena, Alessandro; Juel, Bjørn Erik; Comolatti, Renzo; Thon, Sarah; Storm, Johan Frederik. 2022, Neuroscience of Consciousness. UdSdM, UIO, UoWVitenskapelig artikkel

General anaesthesia disrupts complex cortical dynamics in response to intracranial electrical stimulation in rats.

Arena, Alessandro; Thon, Sarah; Casali, Adenauer Girardi; Storm, Johan Frederik. 2020, bioRxiv. UIO, UFdSPVitenskapelig artikkel
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