Cristin-person-ID: 11755

Astrid Bredholt Stensrud

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for global utvikling og samfunnsplanlegging ved Universitetet i Agder


Universitetet i Agder Postboks 422 4604 Kristiansand

Resultater Resultater

Navigating Crisis: Reciprocity and Practices of Care among Precarious Entrepreneurs in Cusco, Peru. .

Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt. 2024, LASA2024. Reaction and Resistance: Imagining Possible Futures in the Americas. UIAVitenskapelig foredrag

The Unequal Ocean: Living with Environmental Change along the Peruvian Coast. Maximilian Viatori. .

Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt. 2024, Journal of Anthropological Research. UIAAnmeldelse

The water obliges: Climate change and world-making practices in Peru.

Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt. 2023, Routledge. UIAVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel

Caring Under Crisis: Social and Moral Resilience in Andean Peru.

Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt. 2023, EADI CEsA Conference. UIAVitenskapelig foredrag
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