Cristin-person-ID: 1176771

Paulina Emilia Nordström

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for global utvikling og samfunnsplanlegging ved Universitetet i Agder

Resultater Resultater

Evolving Coagency between Artists and AI in the Spatial Cocreative Process of Artmaking.

Nordström, Paulina Emilia; Lundman, Riina; Hautala, Johanna. 2023, Annals of the American Association of Geographers. Vy, Ty, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Creative geographies in the age of AI: Co-creative spatiality and the emerging techno-material relations between artists and artificial intelligence.

Lundman, Riina; Nordström, Paulina Emilia. 2023, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. Ty, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

A rhizomatic research story about the changing landscapes of rooftop urbanism in Peckham, London.

Nordström, Paulina Emilia. 2023, Landscape Research. UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Film screening about urban development: struggles for social justice and housing rights.

Ystanes, Margit; Nordström, Paulina Emilia; Pull, Karl Emil; Scoville-Simonds, Morgan Storm; Huidobro-Goya, Jose Alejandro. 2022, Film screening about urban development: struggles for social justice and housing rights. UIA, UIBFaglig foredrag

Film screening about urban development: struggles for social justice and housing rights: "Dirty Games: Olympic Evictions in Rio de Janeiro".

Nordström, Paulina Emilia; Pull, Karl Emil; Scoville-Simonds, Morgan Storm; Huidobro-Goya, Jose Alejandro. 2022, Film screening about urban development: struggles for social justice and housing rights: "Dirty Games: Olympic Evictions in Rio de Janeiro". UIA, UIBFaglig foredrag
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