Cristin-person-ID: 1215458

Saul Garcia-Lopez

  • Stilling:
    ved Akademi for scenekunst ved Høgskolen i Østfold

Resultater Resultater

La Pocha Nostra in lockdown - virtual strategies to survive the pandemic. .

Garcia-Lopez, Saul. 2021, Seminar and workshop . HIØFaglig foredrag

Film performance "La Pollera" in lockdown .

Garcia-Lopez, Saul. 2021, HIØScenekunst

Glosolalia virtual school .

Garcia-Lopez, Saul. 2021, HIØScenekunst

The Imaginary World of Pocha Nostra .

Garcia-Lopez, Saul. 2021, HIØScenekunst
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  • 2022 - Norwegian Artistic Research Programme (PKU).