Cristin-person-ID: 1216392

Erlend Lemva Ousdal

  • Stilling:
    ved Senter for Materialvitenskap og Nanoteknologi fysikk ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Controlling directionality of emission from quantum defects through microstructures in Silicon Carbide .

Ousdal, Erlend Lemva; Bathen, Marianne Etzelmüller; Vines, Lasse. 2023, International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Material. UIOPoster

Optical and electrical characterization of potential single photon emitters in 6H silicon carbide .

Ousdal, Erlend Lemva; Bathen, Marianne Etzelmüller; Vines, Lasse. 2023, International Conference on Defects in Semiconductors. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Storing information electrically in human skin.

Pabst, Oliver; Sørebø, Øystein; Andersen, Karoline Sjøen; Ousdal, Erlend Lemva; Bråthen, Sean William; Rehman, Badi Ur; Gholami, Haiatullah; Zhong, Zhijian; Takahashi, Koki; Dumesso, Diriba Tasfaye mfl.. 2021, Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance. UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Electrical and optical properties of graphene and graphene oxide: fundamentals and application.

Ousdal, Erlend Lemva. 2020, Universitetet i Oslo. UIOMastergradsoppgave
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