Cristin-person-ID: 1220779

Mihaly Andras Csirik

  • Stilling:
    ved Hylleraas-senteret ved Universitetet i Oslo
  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for informasjonsteknologi ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet

Resultater Resultater

Exchange-only virial relation from the adiabatic connection.

Laestadius, Andre; Csirik, Mihaly Andras; Penz, Markus; Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Rubio, Angel; Helgaker, Trygve. 2024, Journal of Chemical Physics. OSLOMET, UIO, MSDVitenskapelig artikkel

Exchange energies with forces in density-functional theory.

Tancogne-Dejean, Nicolas; Penz, Markus; Laestadius, Andre; Csirik, Mihaly Andras; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Rubio, Angel. 2024, Journal of Chemical Physics. OSLOMET, MSDVitenskapelig artikkel

The S-diagnostic - an a posteriori error assessment for single-reference coupled-cluster methods.

Faulstich, Fabian M.; Kristiansen, Håkon Emil; Csirik, Mihaly Andras; Kvaal, Simen; Pedersen, Thomas Bondo; Laestadius, Andre. 2023, Journal of Physical Chemistry A. OSLOMET, UIO, RPIVitenskapelig artikkel

The Structure of the Density-Potential Mapping. Part II: Including Magnetic Fields.

Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik Ingemar; Csirik, Mihaly Andras; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Laestadius, Andre. 2023, ACS Physical Chemistry Au. ØSTERRIKE, OSLOMET, UIO, TYSKLANDVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review

The Structure of Density-Potential Mapping. Part I: Standard Density-Functional Theory.

Penz, Markus; Tellgren, Erik Ingemar; Csirik, Mihaly Andras; Ruggenthaler, Michael; Laestadius, Andre. 2023, ACS Physical Chemistry Au. ØSTERRIKE, OSLOMET, UIO, MSDVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
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