Cristin-person-ID: 1220990

Simon Beames

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for lærerutdanning og friluftslivsstudier ved Norges idrettshøgskole

Resultater Resultater

Routledge Handbook of Mobile Technology, Social Media and the Outdoors.

Beames, Simon; Maher, Patrick T.. 2024, Routledge. NIHVitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie

Presence and (dis)connectedness – the influence of smartphones usage on human–nature and human–human interactions in outdoor studies.

van Kraalingen, Imre; Beames, Simon. 2024, Frontiers in Education. NIHVitenskapelig artikkel

Where’s the E in OE? A critical analysis of Irish outdoor education.

Pierce, John; Beames, Simon. 2024, Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education (JOEE). IRLAND, NIHVitenskapelig artikkel

Outdoor Learning Across the Curriculum : Theory and Guidelines for Practice.

Beames, Simon; Higgins, Peter; Nicol, Robbie; Smith, Heidi. 2024, Routledge. TUOE, NIHFagbok

Adventure Sports, Social Media, and Environmental Activism.

Beames, Simon; Reed, Jack. 2023, Routledge. TUOE, NIHVitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
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