Cristin-person-ID: 1224771

Duncan Watts

  • Stilling:
    ved Kosmologi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

CLASS Angular Power Spectra and Map-component Analysis for 40 GHz Observations through 2022.

Eimer, Joseph R.; Li, Yunyang; Brewer, Michael K.; Shi, Rui; Ali, Aamir; Appel, John W.; Bennett, Charles L.; Bruno, Sarah Marie; Bustos, Ricardo; Chuss, David T. mfl.. 2024, The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). TJHU, NASA, UoC, UDEC, CFAHARVARD, UC, LANL, PENN, NIST, MIoT(, UCSC, UIO, VU, ANLVitenskapelig artikkel

CLASS Data Pipeline and Maps for 40 GHz Observations through 2022.

Li, Yunyang; Eimer, Joseph R.; Osumi, Keisuke; Appel, John W.; Brewer, Michael K.; Ali, Aamir; Bennett, Charles L.; Bruno, Sarah Marie; Bustos, Ricardo; Chuss, David T. mfl.. 2023, The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ). TJHU, NASA, UoC, CFAHARVARD, UDEC, UoCaB, UC, PENN, MIoT(, UCSC, UIO, VU, ANLVitenskapelig artikkel

Cosmoglobe DR1 results II. Constraints on isotropic cosmic birefringence from reprocessed WMAP and Planck LFI data.

Eskilt, Johannes Røsok; Watts, Duncan; Aurvik, Ragnhild; Basyrov, Artem; Bersanelli, Marco; Brilenkov, Maksym; Colombo, L. P. L.; Eriksen, Hans Kristian Kamfjord; Fornazier, K.S.F.; Franceschet, C. mfl.. 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). UdSdM, IIoTK, UoCB, UW, UdSP, UPARIS, PU, UBC, UIO, ICOSTAMUOL, UOT, BHUVitenskapelig artikkel

Microwave Observations of Venus with CLASS.

Dahal, Sumit; Brewer, Michael K.; Akins, Alex B.; Appel, John W.; Bennett, Charles L.; Bustos, Ricardo; Cleary, Joseph; Couto, Jullianna D.; Datta, Rahul; Eimer, Joseph mfl.. 2023, The Planetary Science Journal (PSJ). PENN, TJHU, NASA, JPL, MIoT(, UCSC, UIO, UDEC, CFAHARVARDVitenskapelig artikkel

COSMOGLOBE DR1 results: I. Improved Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe maps through Bayesian end-to-end analysis.

Watts, Duncan; Basyrov, Artem; Eskilt, Johannes Røsok; Galloway, Mathew; Gjerløw, Eirik; Hergt, L.T.; Herman, Daniel Christopher; Ihle, Håvard Tveit; Paradiso, S.; Rahman, F. mfl.. 2023, Astronomy and Astrophysics (A & A). UoCB, UdSdM, UW, UdSP, UPARIS, PU, UBC, UIO, UOT, ICOSTAMUOL, IIAP, BHUVitenskapelig artikkel
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