Cristin-person-ID: 1233074

Ada Nilsen Nordeidet

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for sirkulasjon og bildediagnostikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Sex-specific and polygenic effects underlying resting heart rate and associated risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nordeidet, Ada Nilsen; Klevjer, Marie; Øvretveit, Karsten; Madssen, Erik; Wisløff, Ulrik; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Bye, Anja. 2024, European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (EJPC). NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

The Genetics of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Resting Heart Rate and its Associations to Cardiovascular Disease.

Nordeidet, Ada Nilsen. 2023, 2023 NTNU Biotechnology seminar. NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Sex-specific and polygenic effects underlying resting heart rate and associated risk of cardiovascular disease.

Nordeidet, Ada Nilsen; Bye, Anja; Klevjer, Marie; Brumpton, Ben Michael; Wisløff, Ulrik; Madssen, Erik; Øvretveit, Karsten. 2023, A HEALTHY FUTURE. NTNUPoster

Exploring shared genetics between maximal oxygen uptake and disease: the HUNT study.

Nordeidet, Ada Nilsen; Klevjer, Marie; Wisløff, Ulrik; Langaas, Mette; Bye, Anja. 2023, Physiological Genomics. STOLAV, NTNU, UQVitenskapelig artikkel

The genetic basis of exercise and cardiorespiratory fitness – relation to cardiovascular disease.

Klevjer, Marie; Nordeidet, Ada Nilsen; Bye, Anja. 2023, Current Opinion in Physiology. STOLAV, NTNUVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review
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  • 2023 - Award for Excellence in Research for the article titled “Exploring shared genetics between maximal oxygen uptake and disease: the HUNT study.” by Physiological Genomics
  • 2023 - Distinction in scholarship in Physiological Genomics for the article "Exploring shared genetics between maximal oxygen uptake and disease: the HUNT study"