Cristin-person-ID: 1239088

Gaurav Madan

  • Stilling:
    ved Meteorologi og oseanografi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

The weakening AMOC under extreme climate change.

Madan, Gaurav; Gjermundsen, Ada; Iversen, Silje Christine; Lacasce, Joseph Henry. 2023, Climate Dynamics. UIT, UIO, METVitenskapelig artikkel

Dynamical stability indicator based on autoregressive moving-average models: Critical transitions and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation.

Rodal, Marie; Krumscheid, Sebastian; Madan, Gaurav; Lacasce, Joseph Henry; Vercauteren, Nikki. 2022, Chaos. FUB, KIT, UIO, UAVitenskapelig artikkel

Report on "Workshop about the role of climate scientists in society" in the framework of the research school CHESS.

Strehl, Anna-Marie; Schäfer, Britta; Weihs, Julien Pooya; Frøystad, Rebekka; Madan, Gaurav. 2022, UIO, UIBNettsider (opplysningsmateriale)
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