Cristin-person-ID: 1263751

Amandeep Dhir

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for strategi og ledelse ved Universitetet i Agder
  • Stilling:
    ved Norsk hotellhøgskole ved Universitetet i Stavanger

Resultater Resultater

Mobile Health Interventions for Cancer Care and Support: The Next Level of Digitalization in Healthcare?

Tandon, Anushree; Dhir, Amandeep; Islam, Nazrul. 2024, IEEE transactions on engineering management. UONW, Ty, STORBRITAN, UIA, UISVitenskapelig artikkel

Unlocking Social Media Success: How Prosumers Drive Brand Engagement through Authentic Conversations with Consumers.

Malodia, Suresh; Filieri, Raffaele; Otterbring, Tobias; Dhir, Amandeep. 2024, British Journal of Management. AUDENCIA, UIA, NWU, INDIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Policy stimulation for the electric vehicle industry: An analysis of mainstream media discourse.

Jain, Monika; Talwar, Shalini; Rastogi, Rashmi; Kaur, Puneet; Dhir, Amandeep. 2024, Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE). UIA, NWU, INDIA, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Digital technologies and carbon neutrality goals: An in-depth investigation of drivers, barriers, and risk mitigation strategies.

Bhatia, Meena; Meenakshi, N.; Kaur, Puneet; Dhir, Amandeep. 2024, Journal of Cleaner Production. BIoT, UIA, NIT-T, NWU, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Reimagining our futures together: An early bird's-eye view of inclusive organizational behavior.

Dhir, Amandeep; Kaur, Puneet; Hassan, Sharfa; Vrontis, Demetris. 2024, Journal of Organizational Behavior. UoK, ARABEMIRAT, UNIC, UIA, NWU, INDIA, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel
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