Cristin-person-ID: 1264212

Terese Birkeland

  • Stilling:
    Forsker 3
    ved NORCE Helse og samfunn ved NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS
  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for arbeidsliv og innovasjon ved Universitetet i Agder

Resultater Resultater

Towards an EU Battery Regulation 2.0?

Lopez, Fernando; Billy, Romain Guillaume; Müller, Daniel Beat; Birkeland , Terese; Torjesen, Stina. 2022, NTNU, UIABriefs

Reducing the carbon footprint of battery materials - a case of problem shifting?

Billy, Romain Guillaume; Birkeland , Terese; Müller, Daniel Beat; Lopez, Fernando; Torjesen, Stina. 2022, NTNU, UIABriefs

Lithium in the EV battery expansion: How bad is the supply constraint?

Billy, Romain Guillaume; Birkeland , Terese; Müller, Daniel Beat; Lopez, Fernando; Torjesen, Stina. 2022, NTNU, UIABriefs

The rift between executive contraction and executive detraction: the case of European Commission battery policy-making.

Birkeland , Terese; Trondal, Jarle. 2022, Journal of European Public Policy. UIO, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Research and regulatory obstacles for stationary second use battery energy storage systems.

Fässler, Bernhard; Birkeland , Terese. 2021, International Congress for Battery Recycling. UIAPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag
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