Cristin-person-ID: 1275062

Sam Fluit

  • Stilling:
    ved PROMENTA ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

LGBTQ+ health-seeking: A scoping review of health care needs, experiences and barriers.

Evje, Jacob; Nysæter, Maren Kristin; Nygård, Stine; Ivanova, Anna; Bjaalid, Emily; Fluit, Sam; Kildal, Eirill; Ekre, Maria; Fischer, Nantje. 2024, 17th Congress of the European Federation of Sexology. UIOPoster

Loneliness trajectories over three decades are associated with conspiracist worldviews in midlife.

Bierwiaczonek, Kinga ; Fluit, Sam; von Soest, Tilmann; Hornsey, Matthew J.; Kunst, Jonas R.. 2024, Nature Communications. OSLOMET, UIO, UQVitenskapelig artikkel

Is conspiracy mentality in adulthood rooted in teenage loneliness?

Fluit, Sam; Bierwiaczonek, Kinga ; von Soest, Tilmann; Hornsey, Matthew; Kunst, Jonas R.. 2024, UIONettsider (opplysningsmateriale)

Are Political Attitudes in Adulthood Rooted in Past Teenage Insecurities?

Fluit, Sam; Kunst, Jonas R.; Bierwiaczonek, Kinga ; von Soest, Tilmann. 2024, UIONettsider (opplysningsmateriale)

With or without you? Perceived indispensability and opposition to separatist movements.

Fluit, Sam; Martinović, Borja; Verkuyten, Maykel; Zhou, Siyuan. 2023, British Journal of Social Psychology. UU, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel
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