Cristin-person-ID: 1299171

Carla Louise Hughes

  • Stilling:
    ved Nasjonalt senter for selvmordsforskning og -forebygging ved Universitetet i Oslo



Utviklingspsykologi • Sosial- og arbeidspsykologi


Biologi • Sosialomsorg • Psykologi • Helsepolitikk • Suicidologi


  • Australia
  • Europa


  • Norge
  • Australia
  • Storbritannia og Nord-Irland

Forskningsetisk erklæring

Bakgrunn Bakgrunn


Carla Louise Hughes


Together with my BSc Hons in Psychology, my current (MIS) Masters degree in International Social Welfare and Health Policy has allowed me to understand international societies with a global perspective. My success in this programme resulted in being awarded Student of the Year 2020/2021 at Oslo Metropolitan University. This was awarded to a student who has excelled in their efforts for the study and learning environment, and has been a role model for other students. I aim to continue to pursue these qualities and transfer them into my future academic career. In addition to my experience of work in a variety of positions, I have enhanced my higher education experiences and demonstrated my adaptability by participating in a study abroad programme at Charles Darwin University in Australia. My resilience, adaptability and organisational skills were crucial to my success during this time. I look forward to using these skills throughout my post graduate study and my work.


Carla Louise Hughes

Resultater Resultater

Betalingsproblemer og selvmord: Livet under økonomisk belastning i Norge .

Hughes, Carla Louise. 2023, 12. nasjoale konferanse om selvmordsforskning og -forebygging. OSLOMET, UIOPoster

Folkehelseperspektiv: Selvmordsrisiko blant middelaldrende og eldre menn i Norge (s. 56-59).

Hughes, Carla Louise. 2024, Suicidologi. UIOShort communication

Pandemisenterets første nasjonale studentkonferanse.

Hughes, Carla Louise; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik. 2021, Pandemisenterets første nasjonale studentkonferanse. OSLOMETPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag

UK native named Student of the Year.

Hughes, Carla Louise; Davidson, Matthew. 2021, OSLOMETIntervju

Writing a Master’s thesis on pandemics, during a pandemic.

Hughes, Carla Louise; Lavoll, Hallvard. 2021, OSLOMETProgramdeltagelse
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  • 2021 - Student of the year 2020/2021