Cristin-person-ID: 1304299

Hilde Kristin Jacobsen

  • Stilling:
    Spesialutdannet sykepleier
    ved Barne- og ungdomsklinikken ved Akershus universitetssykehus HF
  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for atferdsmedisin ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Is parental attitude related to the amount of time they devote to skin-to-skin contact with their preterm infant?

Jacobsen, Hilde Kristin; Tandberg, Bente; Kynø, Nina M; Sailer, Uta. 2023, jENS 2023. 5th Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies 2023. VV, OSLOMET, NTNU, UIO, AHUS, OUSPoster

Green Cross method in a postanaesthesia care unit: a qualitative study of the healthcare professionals’ experiences after 3 years, including the COVID-19 pandemic period.

Birkeli, Gørill; Ballangrud, Randi; Jacobsen, Hilde Kristin; Deilkås, Ellen Catharina Tveter; Lindahl, Anne Karin. 2023, BMJ Open Quality. HELSEDIR, NTNU, UIO, AHUSVitenskapelig artikkel

The Green Cross method in a postanaesthetic care unit. A qualitative study of health professionals’ experiences three years after the implementation.

Birkeli, Gørill; Ballangrud, Randi; Jacobsen, Hilde Kristin; Deilkås, Ellen C Tveter; Lindahl, Anne Karin. 2022, Helsetjenesteforsknings-konferansen 2022. NTNU, UIO, AHUSVitenskapelig foredrag

"Yes, please. To both”. Norwegian and Swedish healthcare staff’s perceptions of safety reflection huddles in a Safety-I and -II approach.

Birkeli, Gørill; Wahl, Karina; Ballangrud, Randi; Jacobsen, Hilde Kristin; Ros, Axel; Stenmarker, Margaretha. 2022, Nordic Research Network for Safety and Quality in Healthcare. NTNU, UIO, AHUSVitenskapelig foredrag

Nurses’ experience of incident reporting culture before and after implementing the Green Cross method: A quality improvement project.

Birkeli, Gørill; Jacobsen, Hilde Kristin; Ballangrud, Randi. 2021, Intensive & Critical Care Nursing. NTNU, AHUSVitenskapelig artikkel
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