Cristin-person-ID: 1360659

Alexander Mueller- Hermes

  • Stilling:
    ved Flere komplekse variable, logikk og operatoralgebraer ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Fault-Tolerant Coding for Entanglement-Assisted Communication.

Belzig, Paula; Christandl, Matthias; Mueller- Hermes, Alexander. 2024, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. UIO, KUVitenskapelig artikkel

A refinement of Reznick’s Positivstellensatz with applications to quantum information theory.

Mueller- Hermes, Alexander; Nechita, Ion; Reeb, David. 2023, Quantum. UT2, UH, KU, UCBLVitenskapelig artikkel

Characterizing Schwarz maps by tracial inequalities.

Carlen, Eric; Müller-Hermes, Alexander. 2023, Letters in Mathematical Physics. RTSUONJ, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Fault-Tolerant Coding for Quantum Communication.

Christandl, Matthias; Müller-Hermes, Alexander. 2022, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. KU, UIO, UCBLVitenskapelig artikkel

Annihilating Entanglement Between Cones.

Aubrun, Guillaume; Müller-Hermes, Alexander. 2022, Communications in Mathematical Physics. UIO, UCBLVitenskapelig artikkel
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