Cristin-person-ID: 1379978

Jingyun Wu

  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for patologi ved Oslo universitetssykehus HF

Resultater Resultater

Emerging Role of ABC Transporters in Glia Cells in Health and Diseases of the Central Nervous System.

Villa-Cruz, Maria; Wu, Jingyun; Hansen, Stefanie; Pahnke, Jens. 2024, Cells. UTA, UNILUEBECK, LU, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig oversiktsartikkel/review

Apolar Extracts of St. John’s Wort Alleviate the Effects of β-Amyloid Toxicity in Early Alzheimer’s Disease.

El Menuawy, Ahmed; Brüning, Thomas; Eiriz, Iván; Hähnel, Urs; Marthe, Frank; Möhle, Luisa; Górska, Anna Maria; Santos-García, Irene; Wangensteen, Helle; Wu, Jingyun mfl.. 2024, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. UTA, UNILUEBECK, JKI, LU, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

ABC Transporter C1 Prevents Dimethyl Fumarate from Targeting Alzheimer’s Disease.

Möhle, Luisa; Stefan, Katja; Bascuñana Almarcha, Pablo; Brackhan, Mirjam; Brüning, Thomas; Eiriz, Iván; Menuawy, Ahmed El; Genderen, Sylvie van; Santos Garcia Sanz, Irene; Gorska, Anna Maria mfl.. 2023, Biology (Basel). UTA, UNILUEBECK, LU, UIO, OUS, UKSH, SYDNEYVitenskapelig artikkel

Time- and Sex-Dependent Effects of Fingolimod Treatment in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.

Bascuñana Almarcha, Pablo; Brackhan, Mirjam; Möhle, Luisa; Wu, Jingyun; Brüning, Thomas; Eiriz Delgado, Iván; Jansone, Baiba; Pahnke, Jens. 2023, Biomolecules. UTA, UNILUEBECK, LU, UIO, OUS, UKSHVitenskapelig artikkel

A Novel Huntington’s Disease Assessment Platform to Support Future Drug Discovery and Development.

Wu, Jingyun; Möhle, Luisa; Brüning, Thomas; Eiriz Delgado, Iván; Rafehi, Muhammad; Stefan, Katja; Stefan, Sven Marcel; Pahnke, Jens. 2022, International Journal of Molecular Sciences. UTA, UNILUEBECK, LU, UIO, OUS, UKSH, UMGVitenskapelig artikkel
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