Cristin-person-ID: 13887

Jo Kramer-Johansen

  • Stilling:
    ved Prehospital avdeling ved Universitetet i Oslo
  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for anestesiologi ved Oslo universitetssykehus HF
  • Stilling:
    ved Ambulanseavdelingen ved Oslo universitetssykehus HF
  • Stilling:
    ved Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for prehospital akuttmedisin ved Oslo universitetssykehus HF






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Resultater Resultater

Telephone triage and dispatch of ambulances to patients with suspected and verified acute stroke - a descriptive study.

Jamtli, Bjørn; Hov, Maren Ranhoff; Jørgensen, Trine Møgster; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Ihle-Hansen, Hege Beate; Sandset, Else Charlotte; Kongsgård, Håvard Wahl; Hardeland, Camilla. 2024, BMC Emergency Medicine. SNLA, HIØ, OSLOMET, EHEL, UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

Top 5 barriers in cardiac arrest research as perceived by international early career researchers – A consensus study.

Katzenschlager, Stephan; Elshaer, Ahmed; Metelmann, Bibiana; Metelmann, Camilla; Thilakasiri, Kaushila; Karageorgos, Vlasios; Barry, Thomas; Alm-Kruse, Kristin; Karim, Hritul; Maurer, Holger mfl.. 2024, Resuscitation Plus. UIO, OUSVitenskapelig artikkel

Kritisk informasjon: HLR- i Kjernejournal.

Harring, Astrid Karina; Tjelmeland, Ingvild Beathe Myrhaugen; Kramer-Johansen, Jo. 2024, E-helsekonferansen 2024: Sykepleie 2.0. OSLOMET, UIO, OUSPoster

Lung tissue injury and hemodynamic effects of ventilations synchronized or unsynchronized to continuous chest compressions in a porcine cardiac arrest model.

Olasveengen, Theresa M.; Skaare, Christiane; Skjerven-Martinsen, Marianne; Hoff-Olsen, Per; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Nordum, Fredrik Hoff; Eriksen, Morten; Norseng, Per Andreas; Wik, Lars. 2023, Resuscitation Plus. UIO, OUS, HODVitenskapelig artikkel

How do survivors after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest perceive their health compared to the norm population? A nationwide registry study from Norway.

Alm-Kruse, Kristin; Gjerset, Gunhild Maria; Tjelmeland, Ingvild Beathe Myrhaugen; Isern, Cecilie Benedicte; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Garratt, Andrew. 2024, Resuscitation Plus. FHI, UIO, AHUS, NIH, OUS, UKSHVitenskapelig artikkel
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