Cristin-person-ID: 1465327

Johannes Sørby Heines

  • Stilling:
    ved Kjerne- og energifysikk ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Lifetime measurements show high triaxiality in ruthenium.

Heines, Johannes Sørby; Görgen, Andreas; Modamio, Victor; Pasqualato, G; Korten, Wolfram; Ljungvall, Joa. 2023, Colloque GANIL 2023. UIOPoster

Shape evolution in even-mass <sup>98 - 104</sup> Zr isotopes via lifetime measurements using the γγ -coincidence technique.

Pasqualato, G; Ansari, S.; Heines, Johannes Sørby; Modamio, Victor; Görgen, Andreas; Beckmann, Kristine Sønstevold; Pedersen, Line Gaard; Sahin, Eda; Siem, Sunniva; Ljungvall, J mfl.. 2023, European Physical Journal A. GANIL, UCdM, TuS, UP-SACLAY, ORNL, UNISTRA, UzK, UoS, UoB, UIO, GSI, UDLVitenskapelig artikkel

Experimentally constrained Ho 165,166 (n,γ) rates and implications for the s process.

Pogliano, Francesco; Larsen, Ann-Cecilie; Goriely, Stéphane; Siess, Lionel; Markova, Maria; Görgen, Andreas; Heines, Johannes Sørby; Ingeberg, Vetle Wegner; Kjus, Robin Grongstad; Larsson, Johan Emil Linnestad mfl.. 2023, Physical Review C. ULDB, UIO, MSUVitenskapelig artikkel

Triaxiality in neutron-rich Ruthenium isotopes, New lifetimes measured in Ru-109, 110, 111.

Heines, Johannes Sørby. 2022, Universitetet i Oslo. UIOMastergradsoppgave

Evolution of Triaxiality in Neutron-Rich Ruthenium Isotopes Lifetime Measurements of excited states.

Heines, Johannes Sørby; Modamio, Victor; Görgen, Andreas. 2023, VIth Topical Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nuclear Structure. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag
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