Cristin-person-ID: 1488267

Gabriel Linton

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for organisasjon, ledelse, styring ved Høgskolen i Innlandet

Resultater Resultater

Cities without emissions: Are some areas or groups forgotten in the low-carbon transition?

Kask, Johan; Linton, Gabriel. 2024, Erasmus+ exchange lecture. HINNFaglig foredrag

Triple Helix Dynamics and Hybrid Organizations: An Analysis of Value Creation Processes.

Linton, Gabriel. 2024, Journal of the Knowledge Economy. HINNVitenskapelig artikkel

Business mating: when start-ups get it right.

Kask, Johan; Linton, Gabriel. 2013, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. HINNVitenskapelig artikkel

Configurations of entrepreneurial orientation and competitive strategy for high performance.

Linton, Gabriel; Kask, Johan. 2017, Journal of Business Research. HINNVitenskapelig artikkel

Trust in open innovation – the case of a med-tech start-up.

Hasche, Nina; Linton, Gabriel; Öberg, Christina. 2017, European Journal of Innovation Management. HINN, ORUVitenskapelig artikkel
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