Cristin-person-ID: 1593434

Andrea Rota

  • Stilling:
    ved Religionsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Utopias for Boomers: religion, psychology, and sovereignty in the long sixties.

Rota, Andrea. 2024, Religion. UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Towards a global history of religion: reflections on Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz's "Lamas and Shamans".

Kirsch, Anja; Rota, Andrea. 2024, AЯGOS: Perspectives in the Study of Religion. NTNU, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Towards a global history of religion: editors' note.

Kirsch, Anja; Rota, Andrea. 2024, AЯGOS: Perspectives in the Study of Religion. NTNU, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Religious Offence in India.

Rota, Andrea; Frøystad, Kathinka. 2023, UIO, UIBProgramledelse
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