Cristin-person-ID: 1666192

Christopher Jackson Chang

  • Stilling:
    ved Teoretisk fysikk ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Collider constraints on electroweakinos in the presence of a light gravitino.

Ananiev, Viktor; Balázs, Csaba; Beniwal, Ankit; Braseth, Lasse Lorentz; Buckley, Andy; Butterworth, Jonathan; Chang, Christopher Jackson; Danninger, Matthias; Fowlie, Andrew; Gonzalo, Tomás E. mfl.. 2023, European Physical Journal C. CERN, SFU, MONASH, ANU, UoG, RFB, UNIVCAL, XJTLU, KCLUOL, AU, KIT, UIO, ZU, UQ, RTHA, TELENOR, UCL, UCBLVitenskapelig artikkel
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