Cristin-person-ID: 22061

Tore Jahnsen

  • Stilling:
    ved Seksjon for Biokjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo



Medisinsk molekylærbiologi

Resultater Resultater

The fast and slow cGMP-binding sites of human type Ibeta cGK are reversed compared to the cAMP-binding sites of cAK.

Reed, R.B.; Sandberg, Mårten; Jahnsen, Tore; Lohmann, Suzanne M.; Walter, Ulrich; Francis, S.H.; Corbin, J.D.. 1995, 9th International Conference on Second Messengers & Phosphoproteins. Signal Transduction in Health & Disease.. UIOPoster

Exon-intron organization, 5' upstream sequence and alternate splicing of mRNAs for the regulatory subunit RIalpha of cAMP-dependent protein kinases.

Solberg, Rigmor; Tasken, Kjetil; Hansson, Vidar; Jahnsen, Tore. 1995, 9th International Conference on Second Messengers & Phosphoproteins. Signal Transduction in Health & Disease.. UIOPoster

Cloning of the gene encoding the catalytic subunit, Cgamma, of cAMP-dependent protein kinase.

Reinton, Nils; Solberg, Rigmor; Levy, Finn Olav; Tasken, Kjetil; Jahnsen, Tore; Hansson, Vidar. 1995, 9th International Conference on Second Messengers & Phosphoproteins. Signal Transduction in Health & Disease.. UIOPoster

Molecular cloning and cDNA sequence of the human type II cGMP-dependent protein kinase.

Ørstavik, Sigurd; Sandberg, Mårten; Nordahl, Marianne; Solberg, Rigmor; Tasken, Kjetil; Hansson, Vidar; Jahnsen, Tore. 1995, 9th International Conference on Second Messengers & Phosphoproteins. Signal Transduction in Health & Disease.. UIOPoster

Function and localization of cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I and II in lymphoid cells.

Levy, Finn Olav; Skålhegg, Bjørn Steen; Torgersen, Knut Martin; Rasmussen, Anne Marie; Rolstad, Bent; Jahnsen, Tore; Hansson, Vidar; Tasken, Kjetil. 1995, 9th International Conference on Second Messengers & Phosphoproteins. Signal Transduction in Health & Disease.. UIO, OUSPoster
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  • 1991 - Anders Jahres medisinske pris for yngre forskere