Cristin-person-ID: 23526

Filippos Tsikalas

  • Stilling:
    ved Studier av sedimentære bassenger ved Universitetet i Oslo





Marin geofysikk • Tektonofysikk • Kontinentalmarginer • Nedslagskratere

Resultater Resultater

Structural analysis and measured extension in fault complexes along the Lofoten-Vesterålen margin, offshore Norway, in the context of crustal-scale rifting towards breakup in NE Atlantic.

Meza Cala, Juan Camilo; Tsikalas, Filippos; Abdelmalak, Mohamed Mansour; Faleide, Jan Inge. 2023, Basin Research. VÅRENERGI, UIO, ITALIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Quantification and Restoration of the Pre-Drift Extension Across the NE Atlantic Conjugate Margins During the Mid-Permian-Early Cenozoic Multi-Rifting Phases.

Abdelmalak, Mohamed Mansour; Gac, Sebastien; Faleide, Jan Inge; Shephard, Grace; Tsikalas, Filippos; Polteau, Stephane; Zastrozhnov, Dmitry; Torsvik, Trond Helge. 2022, Tectonics. VSEGEI, IFE, UIO, ARCEX, UOTWJ, DIVNORSKVitenskapelig artikkel

Lofoten Composite Tectono-Sedimentary Element, Norwegian Rifted Margin, Norwegian Sea.

Tsikalas, Filippos; Meza Cala, Juan Camilo; Abdelmalak, Mohamed Mansour; Faleide, Jan Inge; Brekke, Harald. 2022, Geological Society of London Memoirs. OD, UIO, DIVNORSKVitenskapelig artikkel

Pre-salt and post-salt evolution of the Nordkapp Basin: valuable insights of APA acreage.

Hassaan, Muhammad; Faleide, Jan Inge; Gabrielsen, Roy Helge; Tsikalas, Filippos. 2021, Vår Energi Geoforum. UIOPopulærvitenskapelig foredrag
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