Cristin-person-ID: 24533

Chris Erik Mohn

  • Stilling:
    ved Senter for Materialvitenskap og Nanoteknologi kjemi ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Noble gas migration in silica polymorphs at Earth's mantle conditions.

Figowy, Sarah Margaux; Mohn, Chris Erik; Caracas, Razvan. 2024, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. IdPdGdP, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Ab initio constraints on the melting of silica at high pressures up to 500 GPa.

Geng, Ming; Mohn, Chris Erik. 2024, Physical review B (PRB). UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Diffusion of noble gases in silica polymorphs at Earth's mantle conditions.

Figowy, Sarah Margaux; Mohn, Chris Erik; Caracas, Razvan. 2023, Goldschmidt 2023. UIOFaglig foredrag

Predicting HP-HT Earth and Planetary Materials .

Caracas, Razvan; Mohn, Chris Erik; Zhi, Li. 2023, SpringerPlus. UIOPopulærvitenskapelig artikkel
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