Cristin-person-ID: 26650

Terje Vassdal

  • Stilling:
    ved Handelshøgskolen ved UiT i Tromsø ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Resultater Resultater

Appropriation of economic values in a rights-based fishery.

Bertheussen, Bernt Arne; Vassdal, Terje. 2023, Ocean and Coastal Management. UITVitenskapelig artikkel

Rent Generation Under the Norwegian Rights-Based Pelagic Fishery.

Bertheussen, Bernt Arne; Vassdal, Terje. 2022, Frontiers in Marine Science. UITVitenskapelig artikkel

Institution-based roots to fishing vessels profitability.

Bertheussen, Bernt Arne; Vassdal, Terje. 2021, Marine Policy. UITVitenskapelig artikkel

Methodological issues in estimating the profit of the core catch business unit of a fishing vessel firm.

Vassdal, Terje; Bertheussen, Bernt Arne. 2020, MethodsX. UITVitenskapelig artikkel

Strategic investments in catch capacity and quotas: How costly is a mismatch for a firm?

Bertheussen, Bernt Arne; Xie, Jinghua; Vassdal, Terje. 2020, Marine Policy. UITVitenskapelig artikkel
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