Cristin-person-ID: 318804

Marthe Lønnum

  • Stilling:
    ved Nasjonalt senter for leseopplæring og leseforsking ved Universitetet i Stavanger
  • Stilling:
    ved Nasjonalt senter for skriveopplæring og skriveforsking ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Resultater Resultater

Biology and science teachers view on critical thinking in sustainability education – The need for a multidisciplinary approach for action competence.

Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Lykknes, Annette; Berglund, Teresa; Munkebye, Eli; Scheie, Eldri; Fredagsvik, Maren Skjelstad; Lie, Tove; Lønnum, Marthe; Felix, Sonia Martins; Daus, Stephan mfl.. 2022, ERIDOB conference 2022. NTNU, UIO, NIFUVitenskapelig foredrag

CriThiSE - Critical Thinking in Sustainability Education.

Lønnum, Marthe. 2023, Sentermøte. NTNUFaglig foredrag

Intervensjonen i CriThiSE (Critical Thinking in Sustainability Education) og noen sentrale resultater.

Lønnum, Marthe. 2023, Kick off for prosjektet "TASTE didactics - Food and critical thinking". NTNUFaglig foredrag

Grade 5-7 teachers’ understanding of, and experiences with source criticism.

Lie, Tove Grete; Lykknes, Annette; Lønnum, Marthe. 2023, ESERA 2023. UIT, NTNUVitenskapelig foredrag

Symposium, Paper session 6c: The call for action in environmental and sustainability education. Paper: Biology and science teachers view on critical thinking in sustainability education – The need for a multidisciplinary approach for action competence .

Staberg, Ragnhild Lyngved; Lønnum, Marthe; Fredagsvik, Maren Skjelstad; Berglund, Teresa; Munkebye, Eli; Scheie, Eldri; Lykknes, Annette; Lie, Tove Grete; Felix, Sonia Martins; Daus, Stephan mfl.. 2022, 13th Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology. UIT, NTNU, UIO, NIFUVitenskapelig foredrag
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