Cristin-person-ID: 336645

Heidi Angell

  • Stilling:
    ved Handelshøgskolen ved UiT i Harstad ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet





Kunst kultur og kreativitet • Nyinstitusjonell teori


  • Arktis


  • Norge

Resultater Resultater

How to foster creativity and innovation in everyday work spaces? – the case of cultural entrepreneurs.

Strøm, Heidi Angell; De Paoli, Donatella. 2022, 38th EGOS Colloquium. UIT, BIVitenskapelig foredrag

My sun set to raise again: Overnight change in cultural entrepreneurs’ continuous innovation. .

Strøm, Heidi Angell. 2022, The 17th annual new institutionalism workshop (NIW). UITVitenskapelig foredrag

My Sun Sets to Rise Again – Balancing the Tensions of Logics in Continuous Innovation before and during a Crisis.

Strøm, Heidi Angell. 2021, 2021 Interdisciplinary European Conference on Entrepreneurship Research. UITVitenskapelig foredrag

My Sun Sets to Rise Again – Balancing the Tensions of Logics in Continuous Innovation before and during a Crisis.

Strøm, Heidi Angell. 2021, 21st International Conference on Cultural Economics . UITVitenskapelig foredrag

Meet the Award Winners Session.

Strøm, Heidi Angell. 2021, Doctoral Symposium in Arts and Cultural Management. UITVitenskapelig foredrag
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