Cristin-person-ID: 36725

Rune Strandberg

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap ved Universitetet i Agder

Resultater Resultater

Efficiency maps for tandem solar cells using high resolution spectral data.

Strandberg, Rune; Imenes, Anne Gerd. 2023, 50th IEEE PVSC. NORCE, NTNU, UIAPoster

Using transfer coefficients to model series-connected multi-junction solar cells with radiative coupling.

Strandberg, Rune. 2023, Applied Physics Letters. UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

The Recombination Parameter γ: Modeling and Comments.

Garcia, Alfredo Sanchez; Kristensen, Sissel Tind; Strandberg, Rune. 2023, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics. UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Production estimates for tandem cells using high resolution spectral data.

Strandberg, Rune; Imenes, Anne Gerd. 2022, Norwegian Solar Cell Conference (NSCC) 2022. UIAFaglig foredrag

Solcellerelatert undervisning og forskning ved UiA.

Strandberg, Rune. 2022, Zerokonferansen 2022. UIAFaglig foredrag
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