Cristin-person-ID: 388874

Morten Brix Schou

  • Stilling:
    Lege i spesialisering
    ved PH - Avd. for psykiatrisk akutt og mottaksfunksjon ved St. Olavs Hospital HF

Resultater Resultater

Distribution of quetiapine between serum and whole blood in therapeutic drug-monitoring specimens.

Breivik, Håvard; EliseTunset, Mette; Schou, Morten Brix; Frost, Joachim. 2024, Journal of Analytical Toxicology. STOLAV, NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

Distribution of quetiapine between serum and whole blood in therapeutic drug-monitoring specimens.

Frost, Joachim; Tunset, Mette Elise; Schou, Morten Brix. 2023, Journal of Analytical Toxicology. VV, STOLAV, NTNUFagartikkel

Cerebrospinal fluid cytokines in geriatric patients with depressive disorders: A retrospective case-control study.

Schou, Morten Brix; Larsen, Jeanette Brun; Stunes, Astrid Kamilla; Sæther, Sverre Georg. 2022, Frontiers in Psychiatry. STOLAV, BLÅKORS, NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

A prospective three-year follow-up study on the clinical significance of anti-neuronal antibodies in acute psychiatric disorders.

Schou, Morten Brix; Sæther, Sverre Georg; Drange, Ole Kristian; Brenner, Eiliv; Crespi, Joan Vidal; Eikenes, Live; Mykland, Martin Syvertsen; Pintzka, Carl Wolfgang Schøyen; Håberg, Asta; Sand, Trond mfl.. 2019, Scientific Reports. STOLAV, RH, NTNU, KUVitenskapelig artikkel

Fylkesvise forskjeller i forskrivning av klozapin.

Schou, Morten Brix; Drange, Ole Kristian; Sæther, Sverre Georg. 2019, Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. STOLAV, NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel
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