Cristin-person-ID: 4865

Anette Bringedal Houge

  • Stilling:
    ved Avdeling for tverrfaglig helsevitenskap ved Universitetet i Oslo



Kriminologi • Andre helsefag


Kriminalitetskontroll • Medisinsk sosiologi • Politisk vold • Rehabiliteringstjenester • overgrepsmottak • Profesjonssosiologi • Voldtekt • Helseskader etter tortur og andre menneskerettighetsbrudd • Rehabiliteringspolitikk • Folkemord og politisk massevold • Seksulle overgrep • Internasjonal strafferett • Narrativ analyse • Krig/konflikt • Voldsutøvere • Krigstraumer

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Anette Bringedal Houge


Anette Bringedal Houge is a Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Health and Society at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Prior to this, she established and built the analysis unit at the Norwegian Red Cross as Head of Analysis. She holds a PhD in Criminology and Sociology of Law from the University of Oslo, Norway (2017). Much of her research concerns violence and different responses to violent crimes in peace and conflict, with an emphasis on supranational criminology and criminal justice. A recurrent theme is the privileged place and role granted to criminal justice responses, and the juridification of societal and political understandings that this entails. Her work is featured in journals such as British Journal of Criminology, Law and Society Review, Criminology and Criminal Justice, and Aggression and Violent Behavior.


Anette Bringedal Houge

Resultater Resultater

'A relatively spacious margin for tasteless statements': A qualitative analysis of Norwegian courts’ demarcation of punishable hate speech.

Lingaas, Carola Diane; Ellefsen, Rune; Houge, Anette Bringedal. 2024, Nordic Conference on Violent Extremism. VID, UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Voldtekt: Hvem forvrenger hva?

Houge, Anette Bringedal. 2024, Morgenbladet. UIOKronikk

Voldtekt: Debatten må startes på nytt.

Houge, Anette Bringedal. 2024, Morgenbladet. UIOKronikk

(UN)PREDICTABLE OUTCOMES? The role of forensic expertise in rape cases .

Houge, Anette Bringedal. 2024, Medical and Legal Knowledge and the Problematic of Translation. UIOVitenskapelig foredrag

Skal alle voldtekter anmeldes? Universitetsplassen [UiO podkast].

Kanestrøm, Jorunn; Skilbrei, May-Len; Houge, Anette Bringedal. 2024, UIOProgramdeltagelse
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