Cristin-person-ID: 536740

Dag Jansson

  • Stilling:
    ved Organisasjon og ledelse ved OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet


+47 67 23 82 75

Resultater Resultater

Serious musicking: choral pedagogy in ‘low-threshold’ choirs.

Jansson, Dag; Døving, Erik; Balsnes, Anne Haugland. 2024, Music Education Research. OSLOMET, UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Personal strength and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic: A study of cultural workers in the music sector.

Elstad, Beate; Døving, Erik; Jansson, Dag. 2024, Psychology of Music. OSLOMETVitenskapelig artikkel

The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership.

Jansson, Dag. 2023, Organizational Aesthetics. OSLOMETVitenskapelig artikkel

Exploring Connection as the Substrate of the Relational Leadership Craft.

Lychnell, Lasse; Jansson, Dag. 2023, THE LEADERSHIP DYNAMICS OF SYSTEMS CHANGE. International Leadership Association The 21st International Studying Leadership Conference. HiS, OSLOMETVitenskapelig foredrag

The aesthetics of subversion: learning from the fringes of 'good' leadership.

Jansson, Dag. 2023, Organizational Aesthetics. OSLOMETVitenskapelig artikkel
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