Cristin-person-ID: 540536

Volker Röhling

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk ved Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet


(735) 93752

Resultater Resultater

A FAIR approach for the integration of scientific services in the Geo-INQUIRE initiative.

Giuliacci, Kety; Bailo, Daniele; Michalek, Jan; Paciello, Rossana; Vinciarelli, Valerio; Goffi, Claudio; Strollo, Angelo; Cotton, Fabrice; Nedrebø, Harald; Näsholm, Sven Peter mfl.. 2023, AGU Annual Meeting 2023. INGV, NTNU, UPC, BRGM, GFZ, NORSAR, UIBPoster

ECCSEL Research Infrastructure for evaluation of membranes and barrier materials relevant within the CCUS value chain.

Peters, Thijs; Ansaloni, Luca; Minelli, Matteo; Röhling, Volker; Quale, Sverre. 2022, Euromembrane 2022. SINTEF, NTNU, UNIBOPoster

ECCSEL - International Laboratory Infrastructure for CCS Research, Education and Innovation.

Quale, Sverre; Bolland, Olav; Grønli, Morten; Röhling, Volker. 2017, Energy Procedia. NTNUVitenskapelig artikkel

ECCSEL – International laboratory infrastructure for CCS research, education and innovation.

Bolland, Olav; Quale, Sverre; Röhling, Volker; Grønli, Morten. 2016, International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-13. NTNUPoster

The European Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure (ECCSEL).

Quale, Sverre; Röhling, Volker. 2016, Green Energy & Environment. NTNUKronikk
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