Cristin-person-ID: 54697

Hallvard Lilleng

  • Stilling:
    ved Nevro-, ortopedi- og rehabiliteringsklinikken ved Universitetssykehuset Nord-Norge HF
  • Stilling:
    ved Nevromuskulære sykdommer ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Resultater Resultater

Dopamine agonist serum concentrations and impulse control disorders in Parkinson's disease.

Staubo, Sara Cecilie; Fuskevåg, Ole Martin; Toft, Mathias; Lie, Ingeborg Haugesag; Alvik, Kirsti Margrete Johansen; Jostad, Pål; Tingvoll, Stein H.; Lilleng, Hallvard; Rosqvist, Kristina; Størset, Elisabet mfl.. 2023, European Journal of Neurology. UIT, UNN, DIAKONSYK, Lu, UIO, AHUS, OUS, UNICARE, ANDREINSTVitenskapelig artikkel

Reply: Creatine kinase, overweight, and hypertension-The issue is more complex than we thought.

Johnsen, Stein Harald; Lilleng, Hallvard; Bekkelund, Svein Ivar. 2015, The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. UIT, UNNBrev til redaktøren

Creatine Kinase as Predictor of Blood Pressure and Hypertension. Is It All About Body Mass Index? A Follow-Up Study of 250 Patients.

Johnsen, Stein Harald; Lilleng, Hallvard; Bekkelund, Svein Ivar. 2014, The Journal of Clinical Hypertension. UIT, UNNVitenskapelig artikkel

Clinical impact of persistent hyperCKemia in a Norwegian general population: A case-control study.

Lilleng, Hallvard; Abeler, Karin Louise; Johnsen, Stein Harald; Stensland, Eva; Løseth, Sissel; Lindal, Sigurd; Wilsgaard, Tom; Bekkelund, Svein Ivar. 2013, Neuromuscular Disorders. UIT, UNNVitenskapelig artikkel

Clinical impact of persistent hyperCKemia in a Norwegian general population: a case-control study.

Lilleng, Hallvard; Abeler, Karin Louise; Johnsen, Stein Harald; Stensland, Eva; Loseth, S; Lindal, Sigurd; Wilsgaard, Tom; Bekkelund, Svein Ivar. 2012, European Journal of Neurology. UIT, UNNSammendrag/abstract
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