Cristin-person-ID: 554231

Daniel Göller

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for økonomi ved Universitetet i Agder

Resultater Resultater

Mobile Telephony in Emerging Markets:TheImportanceofDual-SIMPhones.

Andersson, Kjetil; Göller, Daniel. 2021, Review of Network Economics. UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

How Long-Term Contracts can Mitigate Inefficient Renegotiation Arising Due to Loss Aversion.

Göller, Daniel. 2020, Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020. UIAVitenskapelig foredrag

Contract, Renegotiation, and Holdup: An Optimal Contract When Interim Renegotiation is Possible.

Göller, Daniel. 2019, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics. UIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Mobile telephony in emerging markets: the importance of dual-SIM phones.

Göller, Daniel. 2018, Microeconomics Research Seminar. UIAVitenskapelig foredrag

Mobile telephony in emerging markets: the importance of multi-simming customers.

Göller, Daniel. 2018, VfS-Jahrestagung 2018 "Digitale Wirtschaft". UIAVitenskapelig foredrag
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