Cristin-person-ID: 5944

Maria Antonieta Labra Lillo

  • Stilling:
    ved Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis ved Universitetet i Oslo

Resultater Resultater

Mapping an endangered living fossil's distribution, threats, and protection coverage.

Contardo, Juan; Labra , Antonieta. 2024, Conservation Science and Practice (CSP). UCHILE, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

A global analysis of field body temperatures of active squamates in relation to climate and behaviour.

Dubiner, Shahar; Aguilar, Rocío; Anderson, Rodolfo O.; Arenas Moreno, Diego M.; Avila, Luciano J.; Boada-Viteri, Estefania; Castillo, Martin; Chapple, David G.; Chukwuka, Christian O.; Cree, Alison mfl.. 2024, Global Ecology and Biogeography. UTA, UdS, UoA, IISER, MONASH, RSUoSaT, LTU, SYDNEY, ARGENTINA, UA, HU, TQUOB, FUB, UH, UoO, CSIC, UJ, CONICET, UNP, NFU, NEWZEALAND, BOLIVIA, MACQ, UNAM, UNCO, USA, AUSTRALIA, IGB, UOA, OU, UFZ, CHILE, FRANKRIKE, PUCdE, BGU, UdB, BAS, CAS, UON, UTAS, SANBI, UMS, UIO, ITALIAVitenskapelig artikkel

Exploring Sound Emission of the Lizard Pristidactylus valeriae.

Díaz, Sebastián; Labra , Antonieta. 2023, Animals. UCHILE, UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Population Scent Discrimination in Two Liolaemus Lizard Species: Exploring Ethological Isolation.

Labra Lillo, Maria Antonieta. 2023, Diversity. UIOVitenskapelig artikkel

Scientific impact of Chilean-based animal behavioralists is positively associated with co-authorships from developed countries, high impact factor journals, but not with gender.

Ebensperger, Luis A.; Aspillaga-Cid, Antonia; Labra Lillo, Maria Antonieta. 2023, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. UIO, UCVitenskapelig artikkel
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