Cristin-person-ID: 618540

Andres Spicher

  • Stilling:
    ved Institutt for fysikk og teknologi ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet

Resultater Resultater

Characterizing ionospheric turbulence on the poleward side of the cusp using sounding rocket observations and modelling work.

Spicher, Andres; Kvammen, Andreas; Zettergren, M.; Roglans, Roger; Bonnell, John W; LaBelle, James; Bounds, Scott; Clausen, Lasse; Di Mare, Francesca; Feltman, Connor A. mfl.. 2024, 4th URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting. UIT, UNIS, NASA, UoI, UIB, UoCB, UoL, EAU, UIO, UoTaSA, UoNH, SWRI, DCVitenskapelig foredrag

Statistical Analysis of Off-Great Circle Radio Wave Propagation in the Polar Cap.

Cameron, T.G.; Fiori, R.A.D.; Perry, G.W.; Spicher, Andres; Thayaparan, T.. 2024, Radio Science. UIT, CANADA, NRCAN, NJIoTVitenskapelig artikkel

Characterization and Assessment of Structuring Connected to Auroral Dynamics using EISCAT_3D (CASCADE): A brief overview.

Spicher, Andres; Rexer, Theresa; Kvammen, Andreas; Madhanakumar, Mahith; Zettergren, M.; Oksavik, Kjellmar; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek; Whiter, Daniel; Vierinen, Juha-Pekka; Mann, Ingrid Brigitte mfl.. 2024, Vårmøte: Rom-, plasma og klimafysikk. UIT, UNIS, EAU, UoS, UIO, UIBVitenskapelig foredrag

On the strength of E and F region irregularities for GNSS scintillation in the dayside polar ionosphere.

Madhanakumar, Mahith; Spicher, Andres; Vierinen, Juha-Pekka; Oksavik, Kjellmar. 2024, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics. UIT, UNIS, UIBVitenskapelig artikkel

Source regions of irregularities causing GNSS radio scintillation: An investigation using EISCAT.

Madhanakumar, Mahith; Spicher, Andres; Vierinen, Juha-Pekka; Oksavik, Kjellmar. 2024, EGU General Assembly 2024. UIT, UNIS, UIBPoster
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